oran on the issues
Let’s talk about what our community needs right now!
Protecting OUR Communities: Public saftey and CRIME REDUCTION:
"As County Commissioner, I'll work closely with our Sheriff and courts to ensure they have all the resources they need to combat rising crimes rates, especially violent crime, to effectively protect our families and businesses. By promoting local community policing and enhancing mental health resources, we can address the root causes of crime and homelessness at its core, improving our overall community wellbeing and most importantly, our childrens safety.”
"We'll need to take a hard look at how we can strengthen our department of community development(DCD). We will start with building a strong DCD leadership team, streamline permitting and reduce the regulatory burden-this will be key. With our partnership with DOD, we are fortunate to have well paying and secure jobs. The growing civilian and DOD population, we' are naturally in need more affordable housing. Supply and demand. Balancing supply and reducing the regulatory cost of permitting and construction will help ease the burden on families, young professionals, and new home buyers supporting our public safety and schools."
"Local government has an obligation to first fund our overall infrastructure; public safety, roads, sewers, public transit and support services that protect its citizens while creating a robust economy thus providing opportunities for jobs and affordable housing, not forgetting about our seniors and disabled neighbors on fixed incomes that depend on smart public leaders to ensure they are not taxed out of their homes.
There are many good and other useful programs that the County could fund as well, but as a County Commissioner, my job will be to see that our primary obligations aren't funded last, and that your taxes are deployed for these critical services first. Some hard choices will be required over the next decade when budget decisions are made, but I'll always stand first with the obligation we have to taxpayers”
Protect and Enhance our Quality of Life:
"As residents of Kitsap County, we enjoy economic and environmental resources that make this one of the best places to live in the world.
Our quality of life begins with good jobs, local business and affordable housing, great schools, reliable public transportation, our hundreds of miles of shoreline, streams, and open spaces that create the near-perfect balance of prosperity and recreation. I'll work hard to protect and preserve our multitude of ecological resources while supporting a balanced and appropriate level of afforable housing, that balances our schools, economy and our precious environment."
Serving the Underserved:
"I am blessed to have grown up in Kitsap County, and I believe we as a community have a duty to provide for those who for reasons beyond their abilities require our help.
Seniors facing rising property taxes to disabled veterans who've sacrificed to defend our nation.
Those who struggle with mental health issues, and especially those who are trying to support themselves but are without jobs and a living wage, need our help and hope for a future that includes self-determination and prosperity.
I am committed to providing a path forward for those in our community who seek self-sustenance but because of circumstances beyond their control are jobless or worse, homeless.
Without a safe, vibrant economy, the resultant local business and private property home ownership revenues to support these efforts we'll be challenged to sustain and fund these vital services."